Monday 13 September 2010

Keep Keeping On

We have just had an independent agency assessment commissioned by the client and we got an amazingly good score. We have worked really hard to get this. What do we do next to keep things so positive?

First of all, congratulations. It is a phenomenal achievement in these times. I don’t know how long you have had the account but considering you are as only good as your recent history, this is very good.

Something very important is to make sure all the team and agency are aware of the results. You should be openly celebrating such success so people understand how the account leads and/or management are appreciative of such results. It may sound obvious but in these busy times it is often put aside to get on with more pressing matters. Party and enjoy the moment.

Thinking of how to continue the momentum:

1) Share the detailed results with the wider team so they know what they have achieved and - focusing on the future - in order for them to grasp what is working and what needs to be improved. I think this should be done face to face so various aspects can be debated.

2) Talk to the other agencies who have been assessed so you know where you stand in the ranking and what they have to concentrate on. OK they may not tell you everything but there may be some common ground where you can combine forces and help each other and the client.

3) Be very clear what is working and what needs to be worked on. Put together an account plan which picks up on these areas and make sure that management sign up to it as there could be some resource or cost factors which you will need approval on.

4) If there have been a number of clients inputting into the assessment, make sure you thank them for their assessment (it doesn’t cost anything but it makes them feel part of the success).

5) Make sure you merchandise this with other contacts in the business who you do not work with. It could have a positive effect.

6) Don’t rest on your laurels – it is a very fickle, competitive marketplace. Put quarterly checks in place for monitoring the progress. And make sure you keep keeping on with the good work.

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