Thursday 25 February 2010

Telecon Rhetoric

So I have a question but I don’t need an answer to my rhetoric question: Are we spending more time on teleconferences rather than in face to face client meetings where we can develop stronger relationships and have the luxury of discussing knottier problems?
It makes sense for clients in multi-locations but although it speeds things up it has a number of disadvantages apart from the two already mentioned. Really the issue I struggle with is that there is a lot of unwritten protocol about telecons which is being ignored with this need for speed. How many times are we on calls when we don’t quite know who the others are? How often does the conference organiser take control of the telecon by making sure everyone is briefed of the meeting objectives in advance , making sure everyone has a say and providing the documents to be discussed well in advance so it can be a productive conversation.
Often with so many people on the line it is a very cold clinical conversation whereas in a face to face meeting things would warm up. The last time I had a laugh on a call was when some wag when dialing in announced himself as Sir Martin Sorrell. It suddenly got everyone’s attention but that was a while back.
My plea to clients and agency folk alike is to use them wisely.
Please – it is doing my head in!

I agree. I think Tom Fishburne's recent cartoon above also highlights another aspect.

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