Thursday 4 March 2010

360 or Third Degree?

We are being asked by the client to co-fund our agency performance evaluation by a specialist consultancy. I don’t think it is a bad idea but what is the norm? Do you think we should be paying?

Funnily enough I am in a similar situation with a client of mine (maybe the same client?). To answer your first question, my experience is that larger clients apart from some of the FMCG clients will have an agency evaluation process in place but they tend to do it in-house. And it is only when there is an issue, do they bring in an outside specialist.

I think if they expect you to jointly co-fund the evaluation, you should have a say as how it is done and who is used. Now this may cause the client a problem because presumably they want to use a common approach and company across all their agencies. However, surely your money gives you a voice? And consequently the evaluation company should see you as an important stakeholder.

In essence, as long as it is not horrendously expensive, there are more pros for independent evaluation than cons. There is more objectivity (especially when linked to performance bonus) and such consultancies are constantly enhancing their methodologies to evaluate service companies and they also have access to a database of market standards through their work with other agencies and clients.

All these things considered you have to weigh up the cost of co-funding and what it can bring your agency – extra performance bonus, stronger reputation and/or a clearer direction for you to improve your service. Maybe it will also give a few pointers as to how the clients could polish up their act?!

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